Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
Help us advance the Human Resources profession while getting the word out about your business. SHRMWC reserves the right to deny sponsorship or advertisement requests at will. All sponsors or advertisers must have a direct connection to the HR profession.
Banner advertisement displayed at the top of the pages of SHRM Western CT web site.
Fee: $300 for 3 months
Send a message to a targeted group of Human Resource Professionals. Two or three line description, along with a hyperlink to your web site or event registration page, incorporated into a regularly scheduled email to our members.
Fee: $150 to reach members
$250 to reach entire mailing list
Email for more information.
Join us for one of our program meetings and have a table, the ability to distribute materials, hold a drawing to collect business cards, and make a 3-5 minute presentation to our guests. Meeting Sponsors will also be mentioned on our website and email blasts prior to the event.
Cost: $350 for regular chapter meeting (may be more for special events)